With amazement and awe, we watched as tickets for the UK Prayer event with Stephen Jenkinson & Dr Martin Shaw sold out in 3 hours. After many middle-of-the-night calls across the pond, we found a different venue that can host three times the participants. The new date and location details follows:
Details & Registration Here
Saturday June 15, St Mary’s Church, Totnes – UK:
Prayer: An Evening of Conversation with
Stephen Jenkinson and Dr. Martin Shaw
Any of the tickets purchased for the original June 14th date are automatically updated to the new date (Sat. June 15th). If you require a refund, please email us directly.
We regret if the change in day and location means that some can’t now attend.
Due to the nature of this event, this talk will not be livestreamed. In the case it is recorded and the recording one day becomes available, then we’d make that announcement via the Orphan Wisdom newsletter. If this is something you desire to see in the world, please do let us know by filling out this form here.
A Grand Thanks,
Orphan Wisdom Manager
It’s not all begging and pleading – though these are times fit for both.
There are prayers for day and night, and for the seam where they part.
Prayer has octane, and consequence and cadence.
And it needs a spirit’s understanding. And a steady nerve.
On this night there’ll be two older men with time in the trenches of supplication,
who’ll make a joining of the hands,
who mean to raise up some understanding.
Who’ll for a time do prayer’s work.
Stephen Jenkinson
Founder of Orphan Wisdom