We are so pleased to announce Never Land/Sever Land  a live audio series between Kimberly Ann Johnson and Stephen Jenkinson engaging his new work NeverLand: Agriculture, Culture and the Striving for Belonging.

We wanted to make sure you hear about this first from us. There is a $100 savings when you sign up before October 7th.

These are unscripted, realtime encounters with work that is still sprouting from seed. 

“We are children of strange times…

Our birthmarks are both troubled and troubling. We do not, most of us, belong. We inhabit, we own, instead. Being in the world but not of it: that was once a foundation of Western spirituality. It will end up being a stain by which we will be held in disrepute. 

What I’m not doing with these stories is holding up undifferentiated ‘native culture’ as the specimen of cultural aplomb. There is no such thing, so far as I can tell, as ‘native culture’, no more than there’s such a thing as ‘African culture’ or ‘white culture’.

These terms are simply too broad to contain the complexity of the people and their histories. In spite of hundreds of years of coordinated and happenstance ethnocide, there are native cultures, though. Not as many as there once were, almost certainly, but here in their scores nonetheless.”

-Stephen Jenkinson

To learn more about this series, follow the link below:

View Full Event Details Here