“Not success. Not growth. Not happiness.
The cradle of your love of life … is death.”
Registration opens Tuesday
February 4th
Early Bird $350 USD until February 18th
Regular $450 USD
Quotes from Die Wise, A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul:
By being given More Time, they have been given more death. Imagine that there is such a thing, because there is. There is more death than there has ever been, and for certain more death than there has to be. More days were given to them by others, but more dying they will have to do on their own. p. 35
As dying people are trying to find their way out of their bodies and out of their lives, the job of the living is to know how hard that is and to get out of their way. Dying is enormously hard. The labor of it – and it is labor, of the same kind as that which brings life into the world – is relentless, demanding. The shock of having to see your days as numbered in the dozens, of seeing your body heading out of town, of seeing yourself as mostly passed, these are in some ways ruinous and costly encounters with the way it is. p. 315
When our education is a good one, mystery sits on the throne of our well-crafted intelligence, and it is the proper limit of our intelligence. Mystery is the place where we can finger the ragged edges of what we know and begin to make peace with what we will not know. It is in the nature of mystery, after all, that the more we know about it the more mysterious it becomes. Simple questions can get many of us there, seated on the ground at the foot of the throne of our intelligence, gazing up into the eyes of unknown things that serve us well by being unknown. Mystery survives our knowledge, and knowing that is a great thing. p. 218