
Entries by Stephen Jenkinson


Alma mater they called it in more innocent but no less culpable times. An awful lot to lay on a stint in school. I brought a untutored brew of vocation and a love of the spoken word to Harvard Divinity School some 45 years ago. I had plans. Harvard had ways. They let me in, gave me the...


With amazement and awe, we watched as tickets for the UK Prayer event with Stephen Jenkinson & Dr Martin Shaw sold out in 3 hours. After many middle-of-the-night calls across the pond, we found a different venue that can host three times the participants. The new date and location details follows: Details & Registration Here Saturday...


To know the moment that you're in, and mobilize accordingly: that's where grace and style and eloquence are born. Once there, though, it's work to find where desperation gives way to urgency, urgency to purpose, and purpose to limit. Karaoke's unbecoming when elegance and elegies are called for. There's wrangling now to be done. Not much of an...


Drastic: from Grk. drastikos "effective, active, violent", from drasteon 'a thing done', from drao,' to make, do, act,' which is of uncertain etymology. The sense of 'extreme, severe' is recorded by 1808. Not before. That's something to love about language: the words just obey the rolling in of the mists, the abrasions of time. You have something you hold,...


We are all of us children of a troubled time. We are surely other things, noble and ignoble things, capable of remarkable goodness, capable of making our ancestors proud. But we moderns do need to decide and decide again what it means that we could have been born in more favoured times and were not, what might...


I've been a pulmonary refugee for some time, and have been obliged to join the geese and the butterflies and head to less acute climes when the native cold comes on. It's probably extended my days. I was ongoingly grateful for the respite, and uneasy about the clear disfigurement of the locale that mass migration of...


There are marvelous things about being on the road. There are the reminders that the world's a big place, that humans are a disparate lot, that life's not long, that you're often older than you think you are, that being right is more a coincidence than a plan, that being in the right place...