Two new records from Stephen Jenkinson and Gregory Hoskins: DARK ROADS (live concert recordings), and ROUGH GODS (studio recordings).
Watch Trailer One
Watch Trailer Two
Watch Trailer Three
A new live record taken from the 2018/2019 North American Nights of Grief and Mystery tours.
Stephen Jenkinson’s Story Behind the Story
You could call it your life. You could. Life’s not answering to that, though. Life’s not even listening….
The Dark Road Diary: Part 25
Gregory Hoskins’ missive…
Most of the last 200 days or so, I’ve ridden the bike to this door and contended with making a record. Two records, actually. Its a computer based thing these days, recording is, and the Mac says that so far there are 10,551 separate files that make up these records. I’m not sure if that is too many or too few, but each of those files was created by a keystroke that was in turn created by a decision that came from a kind of formula like this: Implode. Explode. Unload. Reload.