A Generation’s Worth: Spirit work while the crisis reigns

A Generation’s Worth: Spirit work while the crisis reigns


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A Generation’s Worth started out as a bit of stenography, transcribing a quartet of livestream sessions. Those notes met the realities of covid 19, the lockdowns and upheavals, and turned into something of a plague document. The book’s entries are dated, and chronologically rendered, and read as dispatches from the front lines of a strange occupation undeclared. What does a life’s work mean in a time of undoing? A Generation’s Worth sets out to learn liveable answers. Dying and death, love and matrimony, money and soul, aging and elderhood, drawn through the eye of a pestilential needle: this is the spirit work, and that is the crisis.

The book is illustrated with five etchings, and the Artists’ Edition Set includes five original hand pulled grabado prints in a limited edition of 100 sets signed by the author and artist.

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Artists' Set, Hardcover, Paperback, Audiobook

Details: Limited Edition Artists' Set - SOLD OUT

Publisher: Orphan Wisdom
Page Count: 317 pages
Design: Stephen Jenkinson
Book: Clothbound hardcover plus dust jacket, signed by the author.
Prints: 100 original grabado print sets of 5 images, 4 1/2" X 6", hand pulled from hand carved plates in Oaxaca, Mexico, in a sleeve of handmade paper, dated/numbered/signed by both Javier Hernandez-Echevarrena and Stephen Jenkinson
Author Portrait: Sarah Hall
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9937142-2-1

Details: Limited Edition Laminated Hardcover

Publisher: Orphan Wisdom
Series: Limited to 100 signed copies
Page Count: 317
Book Design: Stephen Jenkinson
Grabado illustrations: Javier Hernandez-Echevarrena
Author Portrait: Sarah Hall
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9937142-2-1

Details: Trade Edition Paperback

Publisher: Orphan Wisdom
Page Count: 317
Design: Stephen Jenkinson
Grabado illustrations: Javier Hernandez-Echevarrena
Author Portrait: Sarah Hall
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9937142-2-1

Details: Audiobook

Publisher: Orphan Wisdom
Recording: Read by the author
Format: 13 tracks, 13 hours and 5 minutes, 848.7 MB, .MP3 format
Design: Stephen Jenkinson
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9937142-4-5