To access digital/online items in your new or previous order(s) for orders that included online film, audiobook or read online versions, etc., please read to the bottom of these instructions to learn how to access the content in your order(s).

You will need to be logged into the Orphan Wisdom site using the account you used to purchase your order(s). You will need do this on every device where you might want to access the content. You will need to login each time you want to access the orders if you have been logged out of the site since your last visit. Click here to log in.

Once logged in, you will find digital/online items in your order(s) under My Account > Downloads – Click here to access your order(s).

Be sure to click on the black ‘STREAM AND/OR DOWNLOAD’ button under Download and you will be able to access your order. In some cases, clicking on the black ‘STREAM AND/OR DOWNLOAD’ button may divert you to a product page on the site. If this is the case for you, we suggest trying a different browser. This often resolves the issue.

Contact us if you have read and followed these instructions and you’re still having difficulty accessing your order for any reason.

Contact Us