Angel and Executioner

Angel and Executioner


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Angel and Executioner: Grief and the Love of Life – We receive many requests for recordings or transcripts of the teachings Stephen Jenkinson gives. A year after How It All Could Be was released it seemed a good thing to elaborate the ideas packed into that small book. A small church on Canada’s West coast was the setting, the tapes rolled, and 5 1/2 hours later the quiet depths of the book’s first chapter had been found. Here you have Stephen’s first live recording. He gave himself the task of wondering how it has come to be that our corner of the world is so death phobic, so grief illiterate. In a lively, provocative and soulful harangue that has become the signature tone of his teaching events, Stephen offers grief as a skill of deep living, and the true midwife for being able to fall in love with being alive. This is about the mandatory dance we must do with the ending of our days, where the real meaning of our life is made instead of found, where we decide whether our death is the killer of our days or the deepener of them.

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Audiobook – CD, Audio – Stream and/or Download