This has become a season of intense concentration upon several writing projects. I thought the times of such intensity were done, but I’ve been wrong before. There is a bit of accountant’s math that goes along with that surprise, though: concentration is drawn away from other things. My old penchant for various infinities of labour has been course corrected: a fair deal to strike for continuance.
So: several books to come, the first of which is Matrimony: Ritual, Culture and the Heart’s Work, in August.
And, for now at least, no big teaching event at the farm. We’ll find other ways of helping Matrimony step out. And we’ll have The Scriptorium instead.
Stephen Jenkinson
Founder of Orphan Wisdom

Two public events on the calendar for 2025:
Sanity & Soul + The Scriptorium: Boreal Sessions

For all of you who’ve already registered for Sanity & Soul, you now have access to the recorded conversations that took place earlier this year, heart-to-hearts with people who have received a terminal diagnosis and are navigating endings of all kinds in this very moment.
Here’s what listeners are saying:
“..What a beginning. A breath taking (giving) encounter…” -K
“..In many ways this conversation is one I wish I could have had…” -A
“…his work could be seen as saintly in its call to love fiercely amid life’s inevitable end. Death is a divinity, yes..” -M
We are honoured to be able to share with you a fourth counsel call recording as part of Sanity & Soul, available to all registrants today.
A couple of luminary allies will join Stephen on-camera. You are invited to join us in bearing witness to Sanity and Soul: Die Wise, Ten Years On, a livestream encounter with a life’s work.
Two 90 minute livestream encounters: on March 15 & 16th
10am PDT San Diego & Vancouver ~ 1pm EDT Toronto ~ 5pm London, UK
~ 6pm Madrid, Spain ~ 4am AEDT (+1 day)

The creation of the Scriptorium marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the Orphan Wisdom School, it is scholar-created and scholar-led. The Ensemble proudly launched The Scriptorium ~ Echos of an Orphan Wisdom earlier this month, learn more here.
We will follow an example of old-time scribes who since ancient times record and translate cultural texts. We’ll be gathered in the Orphan Wisdom Great Hall listening to recordings of past
teaching events, available no where else. Together we will have the task of labouring over transcripts so that these, as well as the original audio file, can then be shared in our Online Library, and made available to our Scriptorium members.
We’d be honoured if you decided to take a place at our table.
This invitation is open to all Orphan Wisdom scholars, to those of you who’ve been on our school waitlist, and we extend this invitation to you who have only recently come to learn of Stephen Jenkinson’s culture work.
The Boreal Sessions are our four in-person events that will take place at Orphan Wisdom in the Ottawa Valley, Ontario. Each session is limited to 15 participants. $700 CAD for Canadian folk/ $700 USD for International folk (incl. meals & accommodation at The Orphan Wisdom Guesthouse).
Applications open at the end of March. Consider joining us:
~ April 23-27
~ April 30-May 4
~ August 13-17: Founding Patron Special Offer (learn more)
~ August 20-24